Sunday 5 June 2011

Egg Masala


3-4 boiled eggs (cut into pieces)                    
Onion 1/2
Saunf/ fennel seeds 1 tsp
Saunf powder 1 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Grated coconut 1 tbsp
Curry leaves 1 sprig

Directions- How to make

Method 1

Marinate the eggs with saunf powder, turmeric powder, salt, chilli powder and grated coconut. Let it stay for 10 minutes.

Heat oil in a wok. Add saunf, curry leaves and then finely chopped onion. Saute well. Add the marinated egg pieces. Stir for 2 minutes and turn off.

Method 2

Heat oil in a wok. Add fennel seeds, 2 crushed garlic pieces, 1 big onion (finely chopped). Saute well. Now add 1 big tomato finely chopped. Crush well to form a thick paste by adding very little water.

Add little turmeric powder ( a pinch), salt and chilli powder (1 tsp). Once the powders are fried, add 3-4 boiled eggs cut into pieces. Mix well. Cook for a minute over low flame. Turn off.

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